
While I was Away

Been busy. Working out subtitles for my first ever documentary, which will be screening at Becoming Alabama January 21st, 2012. Just finished a few projects. Here, take a look.

Here's the finalized version of Kenny Nevermind & Madlock Zay's video for Crazy:

Here's a mega video (w/ link to download audio) that I edited set to the latest Dead?Wait! mix:

Here's a live video for Adventure the Great that was shot exclusively with cellphones that was done with the Auburn University New Media Club:

... And, here's an added bonus for it taking me SO long to post to my blog.

Catch you again sometime soon.


Music Videos and Short Film Shoots

Been working on a few things here and there, when time permits. I've got a teaser for a music video, that should actually be out by this Friday, fingers crossed, a live performance of Adventure the Great playing at Eighth & Rail in Opelika, AL, and I spent all of today shooting a new 'Weekenders' vignette (finally).

I'll be posting Kenny Nevermind & Madlock Zay's video for their newest single, 'Crazy', on my main page around this Friday, but until then, here's the teaser for the upcoming release:

AND... here's Adventure the Great:

As always, keep your eyes peeled for new videos and updates on what I'm doing at my website, on my twitter, google+, or facebook.

Pre-Ordering: Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 + Gorillaz Single Collection
Watching: Jacob's Ladder
Playing: Demon's Souls
Listening to: Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division


CLA Projects, New Teaser, and Progress

It has been a VERY long time since I've posted a blog entry. I've got a notoriously bad habit of not keeping up with these blog posts whenever I get deep into project mode, but I try to always have new videos, or at least something interesting to write about, whenever I do post. Here's what's on the menu for today:

1. La Bete Trailer for Auburn University Theatre. I worked on this with my co-videographer Michael Gutierrez and Audio Wizard Kelly Walker. Please come out and see the production!

2. 9/11 10th Anniversary Tribute Video for Auburn University's College of Liberal Arts. Another production with Michael Gutierrez.

3. Dead?Wait! Teaser (2011) -> They've got some new stuff coming down the pipe soon. Keep your eyes open.

And that's the round-up for this week.

I'm currently working on finalizing an edit of a 10-minute documentary style piece for Auburn University's Community and Civic and Engagement initiative. I'm also editing a hip hop video that we shot over the weekend and a rough draft of my half hour long cut of my Summer documentary project.

Currently Listening To: Oliver Nelson - Yearnin'
Currently Playing: Words With Friends
About To Go Home and Watch: Blade Runner - Director's Cut Collector's Edition Blu-Ray

Everyone have a great week!


Promo Pieces, Music Videos, and New Projects

Just finished the promo piece that I was working on for Babilonia, a school located in Taormina, Italy that focuses on Italian language, art, history, and culture.

Here it is if you're interested:

I'll be tying up some loose ends on my friend Marco Torrisi's music video for his rendition of "Georgia on My Mind" and I should have that posted soon.

As Auburn University's student videographer for the College of Liberal Arts I've been working on some interesting stuff. The past few weeks have consisted mostly of editing previous pieces, but I also went out to Oak Grove, AL to film a mini-documentary for the Community and Civic Engagement folks in order to capture what AU's interns do every Summer at the community farm out there and also discuss how Oak Grove, AL is the only place that someone has been struck by a meteorite and survived. Interesting stuff. I'll have a link to that when that gets finished too.


My Life: As A CLA Videographer/Geekti.me Writer/Independent Film Maker

Coming back home a few weeks ago, you'd think that it'd be nice and relaxing, but what I found waiting for me when I got back was a mountain of work. *sigh*

So, first things first, I started a new job as a videographer for Auburn University's College of Liberal Arts. I was quite proud of actually getting the job. So I'm getting used to that whole system and trying to show the department that I was worth hiring. That all aside, I'm filming some interviews all week next week, and even taking a day trip to Oak Grove, AL in order to document "Comet Grove", which actually sounds very interesting. I'll post more whenever the video is completed. 

On top of that, I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I've been writing for geek culture blog Geekti.me in my spare time. I'm one of the writers for their "Game Corner" column and I've been posting other articles that I've had the time to write as well. My latest article, on my hands on experience with the Uncharted 3 Beta, isn't up just yet, but it will be sometime this week. 

And, I'll be starting research on my documentary focus by the end of this month, as well as moving to a new apartment. I'm working with over 300 gbs of footage right now, probably more to come, but I'll try and keep everyone posted as time goes on.

One last thing, I purchased Final Cut Pro X about a week or two ago, I'm currently editing a promotional piece with it, and I have to say that I'm actually enjoying it thus far. I was quite put off at first, much like everyone else, but after a few hours of hands on time and some help from some tutorials online, I've noticed that my "new" workflow is actually saving me tons of time. Now focusing on actually finishing the edit is a totally different story. But, if you're interested, I found these tutorials SUPER helpful. 

Oh, and I got engaged on June 23rd, 2011 while I was in Taormina, Italy. :)

Until next post. 

Really Getting Into: Turntable.FM
Can't Wait to Watch: Insidious

And I'll be posting my reviews and thoughts on the 57th Taormina International Film Festival sometime soon. 


Back in the States

Alright, so I am officially back in the United States. Time to work on editing some footage that I shot while I was away.

Things to look forward to:

Music video for my friend Marco. Editing commencing tonight.
Promotional video for Babilonia Italian School in Taormina, Italy, also starting this project tonight.
Hopefully some promotional work for Auburn University.
And lastly, I'll going to commence editing my documentary project that I spent all of June shooting.

Kicker: I'm going to attempt all of this with Final Cut Pro X. I'm doing this so that I can learn the new software quicker and so that I can prove that Final Cut Pro X is a bit better than my friends seem to think.

Also, working on redoing my website... a bit. Making everything mesh a bit better and what not.
More posts to come soon, since this blog will act as my news feed on my website from now on. Thank you to all of you who actually check in on this blog from time to time.


Current Position

I am currently in Sicily. Working on my documentary, shooting things for some schools, and taking classes.

I am also keeping a Documentary Journal.

I'll have tons to post upon my return, but for now, just follow me on FaceBook or Twitter to see what's going on.


The Last Few Weeks

So Finals are over with, I passed all of my classes, and I've got some new stuff to link you guys to.

First of all, I put in for a second job, which will hopefully become my primary job for the rest of my duration at Auburn University, as Videographer for the College of Liberal Arts. For those of you interested, here's the demo that I presented at my second interview:

Long story short, and regardless of my feelings regarding the quality of that demo, I got the job. So that's exciting. I start sometime in the first week of July.

On top of that, I was busy filming a few live shows for local Auburn, AL band Adventure. They were filmed in three different locations (a house party, The Gnu's Room, and The Independent) but only one came out looking desirable, and even that one had to receive some heavy editing... mainly due to my shakey hands :\ Regardless, here is the video for those interested in checking it out, and big "thank you" to The Gnu's Room for hosting it on their site.

I'll be working more closely with the band in Fall to get a solid video shot for one of their tracks.

Lastly, I helped a friend of a friend of mine shoot an audition tape for a chance to be on SyFy's "Face Off". For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it's one part reality tv and one part make-up artist spotlight as several make-up artists compete and help create new designs for shows, movies, etc. What started out as a silly shoot just to help a friend out actually turned out quite nicely and ended up being a little crash course on time-lapse. Yet again, here is the video for those of you that are interested:

Now, I've got ten days left until I depart for Sicily (which I'll be posting some "video journals" of whenever I can) to work on study abroad and some documentary work (this'll be my first documentary piece, so keep your fingers crossed) and I've got some Rocky Horror footage to edit by Saturday. Quick shout out, my little pet project and management experiment, Dead?Wait!, will be having a small show in Tuscaloosa @ The Green Bar on May 14th (Show starts at 9:30, doors open at 8:30).

Obligatory Quick Links:
Currently Playing: Heavy Rain
Currently Reading (And partially obsessed with): House of Leaves
CD that I listened to last night while cleaning the house: Grandaddy - Sumday



Yet again, I know that it has been an extremely long while since I have had a post, it's just that not a whole whole lot has been going on. I've mostly been working and preparing for this Summer. On a side note, I visited Disney World for Spring Break 2011 with my girlfriend and two of our friends (plus their child).

As far as what's to come... well:

This Wednesday:

The Gnu's Room is hosting the meet and greet, pre-orientation, meeting for a club that I'm trying to get started at Auburn University. If you're interested and you are local, come check it out, student or not. 

Later this week/month: I'll be filming the last vignette for the Weekenders project, which is tentatively titled "Retrospect". It will be adapted from a short story written by Marian Carcache. And after that it will be edit time, so I can pull it all together, and I should be ready to screen the entire Weekenders collection starting in May. 

Besides all of that, Dead?Wait! may have a show in Tuscaloosa around May 14th, and I'm going to be preparing a treatment/outline/rough "script" for my Italian documentary that I am working on this Summer. 

I've also recently finished shooting an audition tape for a make-up artist friend of mine, Jessica Brewer, and so I should be posting that up sometime soon, if she allows. Finally got a firm handle on Time Lapse techniques and even used some in her audition tape. 

Stay tuned. 

Things I'm Into Right Now:

Upcoming Release of: Portal 2


It's Been A Long Time...

My apologies for the time off from the blog that I've taken.

It has been a busy few weeks/months.

I just bought a new camera, a Canon T3i, and some new gear. Specifically a really nice Manfrotto tripod and video head, a Zoom H4N, and I've got some lenses in the mail.

Also, I'll be hearing back from the local Camera shop, Camera Graphics, about my 5D Mk. II body pretty soon.

In other news, I've been getting prepped about my trip to Sicily this Summer. I'll be shooting loads of footage, hopefully on my 5D, and I'll be routinely posting video logs and other fun stuff while I'm traveling. I'll also be working on several mini-documentaries for Universities to use as teaching tools while I work on a large overarching documentary for other purposes.

I've also had the idea that in order to get better with my film making techniques, I'm going to try and tackle a different technique every two weeks or so and document it on YouTube for you all to see. First attempt is going to be my first foray into time lapse photography. I'll try and get it done before Spring Break and post it up.

During Spring Break I'll be documenting my trip to Florida, so hopefully there'll be something fun to watch out of all that.



Status Update: I'm Not Dead

Alright, so I apologize for not having posted anything in quite some time.

For those of you interested, I've been trying to post regularly on Twitter and Facebook these days, so I often forget that this blog even exists.

In recent news: Proposal for "The Triangolo Project" is coming along. We have a demo reel compiled and the document is essentially finished. Time for fine tuning and meetings.

Dead?Wait! has announced two shows, with a third announcement to come soon. These guys are fun to manage. Visit them at WhatIsDeadWait.com.

Should be beginning filming on the last two components of the Weekenders vignette project shortly. More info on that as it arises.

And... really that's about all.

Any questions, comments, concerns, etc... fire away at alessio@acsummerfield.com or just go to the "Talk At Me" section of my website.

Another post should be up, sooner than later. Off to a promo meeting.

Cool things to check out:
Exit Through the Gift Shop
The Blocks Cometh
Dead Space 2 (which I finished last night. Fantastic.)


New Year's Catch Up

Alright, so, time for a status update.

In short, we didn't get selected to be a finalist in the Crash the Superbowl competition, but you can click the link to see who did win.

My producer, Colin Macdougall, and I are working on a proposition to try and do some filming for Auburn University overseas.

A new vignette, tentatively entitled, "Pierrot, Eat Your Heart Out", should be posted up on the site/Vimeo soon, just editing some audio tweaks. This vignette will be the last to be posted online before I finish the entire collection, after which I will remove the videos from the web, do a few screenings in the Auburn/Opelika area, possibly enter it into some film festivals, and then post the collection, in its entirety, online.

And... the production company, 214 Productions, that I helped found has officially dissolved. Due to scheduling conflicts, some issues with the crew having to all be students for this proposed Summer shoot, and a need to be able to work at a comfortable pace, we have decided to part ways. But, that doesn't mean that Colin won't still be producing my work or that John Henderson and I won't still be finishing the vignettes and working on occasional projects together.

* Side note, if you're in the Auburn/Opelika area, I will be DJing a Zumba session/dance party at the Irish Bred Pub in Opelika on Sunday, Jan. 9th, at 5:30 p.m. And, in related news, Dead?Wait! is still, in fact, working on some original music, so there should be a live promo video and a song or two coming soon.

Stay tuned, and check back for updates, new videos, and/or scheduled events.