
Status Update: I'm Not Dead

Alright, so I apologize for not having posted anything in quite some time.

For those of you interested, I've been trying to post regularly on Twitter and Facebook these days, so I often forget that this blog even exists.

In recent news: Proposal for "The Triangolo Project" is coming along. We have a demo reel compiled and the document is essentially finished. Time for fine tuning and meetings.

Dead?Wait! has announced two shows, with a third announcement to come soon. These guys are fun to manage. Visit them at WhatIsDeadWait.com.

Should be beginning filming on the last two components of the Weekenders vignette project shortly. More info on that as it arises.

And... really that's about all.

Any questions, comments, concerns, etc... fire away at alessio@acsummerfield.com or just go to the "Talk At Me" section of my website.

Another post should be up, sooner than later. Off to a promo meeting.

Cool things to check out:
Exit Through the Gift Shop
The Blocks Cometh
Dead Space 2 (which I finished last night. Fantastic.)