So Finals are over with, I passed all of my classes, and I've got some new stuff to link you guys to.
First of all, I put in for a second job, which will hopefully become my primary job for the rest of my duration at Auburn University, as Videographer for the College of Liberal Arts. For those of you interested, here's the demo that I presented at my second interview:
Long story short, and regardless of my feelings regarding the quality of that demo, I got the job. So that's exciting. I start sometime in the first week of July.
On top of that, I was busy filming a few live shows for local Auburn, AL band Adventure. They were filmed in three different locations (a house party, The Gnu's Room, and The Independent) but only one came out looking desirable, and even that one had to receive some heavy editing... mainly due to my shakey hands :\ Regardless, here is the video for those interested in checking it out, and big "thank you" to The Gnu's Room for hosting it on their site.
I'll be working more closely with the band in Fall to get a solid video shot for one of their tracks.
Lastly, I helped a friend of a friend of mine shoot an audition tape for a chance to be on SyFy's "Face Off". For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it's one part reality tv and one part make-up artist spotlight as several make-up artists compete and help create new designs for shows, movies, etc. What started out as a silly shoot just to help a friend out actually turned out quite nicely and ended up being a little crash course on time-lapse. Yet again, here is the video for those of you that are interested:
Now, I've got ten days left until I depart for Sicily (which I'll be posting some "video journals" of whenever I can) to work on study abroad and some documentary work (this'll be my first documentary piece, so keep your fingers crossed) and I've got some Rocky Horror footage to edit by Saturday. Quick shout out, my little pet project and management experiment, Dead?Wait!, will be having a small show in Tuscaloosa @ The Green Bar on May 14th (Show starts at 9:30, doors open at 8:30).
Obligatory Quick Links:
Currently Playing: Heavy Rain
Currently Reading (And partially obsessed with): House of Leaves
CD that I listened to last night while cleaning the house: Grandaddy - Sumday